Copy the modified files over to PetaLinux to check they work.
steve@Desktop:~/projects/zedboard_linux/os/petalinux$ sshpass -p root scp project-spec/meta-user/recipes-apps/website/files/cgi-bin/index.cgi root@
steve@Desktop:~/projects/zedboard_linux/os/petalinux$ sshpass -p root scp project-spec/meta-user/recipes-apps/website/files/uptime.js root@
steve@Desktop:~/projects/zedboard_linux/os/petalinux$ sshpass -p root scp project-spec/meta-user/recipes-apps/website/files/amber.gif root@
steve@Desktop:~/projects/zedboard_linux/os/petalinux$ sshpass -p root scp project-spec/meta-user/recipes-apps/website/files/green.gif root@
steve@Desktop:~/projects/zedboard_linux/os/petalinux$ sshpass -p root scp project-spec/meta-user/recipes-apps/website/files/red.gif root@
Access the webserver running on the Zedboard using a browser pointing at the Zedboard's IP address ( All being well something akin to the following webpage should be displayed.
The controls in the Peek & Poke section of the enhanced website are as follows :-
- Sel - Select peek/poke register to be used during peek/poke section/table.
- Peek - Peek single register or all selected registers in the section
- Copy - Copy peek value into poke value
- Poke - Poke single register or all selected registers in the section
- Add - Add a new register/section to the table, register address will be 4 higher than the last entry
- Remove - Remove last entry from the table
- Peek All - Peek all registers in the table
- Copy All - Copy all table peek values into poke values
- Poke All - Poke all selected registers in the table
- Peek Refresh - Enable all registers in table to be peeked at a set interval
- Number Format - Set the number format of the peek & poke values
- Create... - Create a downloadable configuration file from the register table
- Browse... - Load a configuration file into the register table
Create the above register table by using the
Add button to add new registers & sections, the
Address column to edit the address locations, the
Poke Value column to edit the values to poke and the
Description column to provide a description of what the registers & sections are used for.
Poke the LEDs register and
Poke two registers inside the Register Bank at addresses 0x43C00004 and 0x43C0000C. Use
Peek All to peek all the registers shown in the table,
Peek (section) to peek all the selected registers in a section or
Peek to peek an individual register.
Create a configuration file from the address table by clicking on
Create.... A generated link (
config.txt) should now appear next to the
Create... button. Right click on the link and select
Save Link As..., set the name to
zedboard_leds_switches.txt and save the file in