The Raptor-16 Microprocessor executes very dense instruction code that is packed mainly into single words. The listings below show not only the instruction word counts but also give a full list of all the possible Addressing Mode combinations for the entire
Instruction Set.
The following Instructions plus their Addressing Modes, Registers and Data Values are all encoded in one single 16-bit word:-
InstQ |
#n,Dn |
InstQ |
#n,An |
InstQ |
#n,(An) |
InstQ |
#n,-(An) |
InstQ |
#n,(An)+ |
InstQ |
#n,Pn |
InstQ |
#n,CR |
Inst |
Dn,Dn |
Inst |
Dn,An |
Inst |
Dn,(An) |
Inst |
Dn,-(An) |
Inst |
Dn,(An)+ |
Inst |
Dn,Pn |
Inst |
Dn,CR |
Inst |
An,Dn |
Inst |
An,An |
Inst |
An,(An) |
Inst |
An,-(An) |
Inst |
An,(An)+ |
Inst |
An,Pn |
Inst |
An,CR |
Inst |
(An),Dn |
Inst |
(An),An |
Inst |
(An),(An) |
Inst |
(An),-(An) |
Inst |
(An),(An)+ |
Inst |
(An),Pn |
Inst |
(An),CR |
Inst |
-(An),Dn |
Inst |
-(An),An |
Inst |
-(An),(An) |
Inst |
-(An),-(An) |
Inst |
-(An),(An)+ |
Inst |
-(An),Pn |
Inst |
-(An),CR |
Inst |
(An)+,Dn |
Inst |
(An)+,An |
Inst |
(An)+,(An) |
Inst |
(An)+,-(An) |
Inst |
(An)+,(An)+ |
Inst |
(An)+,Pn |
Inst |
(An)+,CR |
Inst |
Pn,Dn |
Inst |
Pn,An |
Inst |
Pn,(An) |
Inst |
Pn,-(An) |
Inst |
Pn,(An)+ |
Inst |
Pn,Pn |
Inst |
Pn,CR |
Inst |
CR,Dn |
Inst |
CR,An |
Inst |
CR,(An) |
Inst |
CR,-(An) |
Inst |
CR,(An)+ |
Inst |
CR,Pn |
Inst |
LoadQ |
#n,Dn |
LoadQ |
#n,An |
PushL |
RegList |
PushU |
RegList |
PopL |
RegList |
PopU |
RegList |
BInstQ |
Cond,#n |
BInstQ |
Cond,Label |
BInst |
Cond,Dn |
BInst |
Cond,An |
BInst |
Cond,(An) |
BInst |
Cond,-(An) |
BInst |
Cond,(An)+ |
BInst |
Cond,Pn |
Rts |
Cond |
Rti |
Nop |
Notes :-
- #n is any number in the range -8..7 when InstQ is Move, And, Or, Xor or Cmp.
- #n is any number in the range 0..15 when InstQ is Shl, Shr, Add or Sub.
- #n is any number in the range -128..127 for LoadQ instructions.
- #n is any number in the range 0..7 for BInstQ instructions.
- Dn is any Data Register in the range D0..D7.
- An is any Address Register in the range A0..A5, SP or PC.
- Pn is any Port Register in the range P0..P4.
- RegList is any or all from D0..D3 and A0-A3 for PushL and PopL instructions.
- RegList is any or all from D4..D7, A4-A5, SP and PC for PushU and PopU instructions.
- Cond is either alw, nev, zrs, zrc, ngs, ngc, uos, uoc, sos, soc, equ, neq, ugt, uge, ult, ule, sgt, sge, slt or sle.
- Label is any relative location in the range -64..127.
- Inst is either Move, And, Or, Xor, Cmp, Shl, Shr, Add or Sub.
- InstQ is either MoveQ, AndQ, OrQ, XorQ, CmpQ, ShlQ, ShrQ, AddQ or SubQ.
- BInst is either Bra or Bsr.
- BInstQ is either BraQ or BsrQ.
The following Instructions plus their Addressing Modes, Registers and Data Values are all encoded in two 16-bit words:-
Inst |
#n,Dn |
Inst |
#n,An |
Inst |
#n,(An) |
Inst |
#n,-(An) |
Inst |
#n,(An)+ |
Inst |
#n,Pn |
Inst |
#n,CR |
Inst |
Addr,Dn |
Inst |
Addr,An |
Inst |
Addr,(An) |
Inst |
Addr,-(An) |
Inst |
Addr,(An)+ |
Inst |
Addr,Pn |
Inst |
Addr,CR |
Inst |
Dn,Addr |
Inst |
An,Addr |
Inst |
(An),Addr |
Inst |
-(An),Addr |
Inst |
(An)+,Addr |
Inst |
Pn,Addr |
Inst |
CR,Addr |
BInst |
Cond,#n |
BInst |
Cond,Label |
Notes :-
- #n is any number in the range -32768..65535 for Inst instructions.
- #n is any number in the range 0..65535 for BInst instructions.
- Dn is any Data Register in the range D0..D7.
- An is any Address Register in the range A0..A5, SP or PC.
- Pn is any Port Register in the range P0..P4.
- Addr is any number in the range 0..65535.
- Cond is either alw, nev, zrs, zrc, ngs, ngc, uos, uoc, sos, soc, equ, neq, ugt, uge, ult, ule, sgt, sge, slt or sle.
- Label is any relative location in the range -32768..32767.
- Inst is either Move, And, Or, Xor, Cmp, Shl, Shr, Add or Sub.
- BInst is either Bra or Bsr.
The following Instructions plus their Addressing Modes, Registers and Data Values are all encoded in three 16-bit words:-
Inst |
#n,Addr |
Inst |
Addr,Addr |
Notes :-
- #n is any number in the range -32768..65535.
- Addr is any number in the range 0..65535.
- Inst is either Move, And, Or, Xor, Cmp, Shl, Shr, Add or Sub.